Michael Hollifield
Michael Hollifield
Michael Hollifield

Michael Hollifield

Confessions Series

6 stories

It’s a sunny, hot summer day, and a bald man is sliding face-forward toward the camera on a homemade slip-n-slide in a beautiful, green field. He is in a green shirt and you can see his while legs and black shoes as he’s almost to the end of the watered down, blue tarp. To young men in are in the background watching him (with matching green shirts and dark shorts) waiting their turn to “slide.”
Pictured backed up to a building is a yellow, Bunny Bread box truck. It has in red letters across the top Fewer Calories, and the words Healty Life written in cursive in the middle of the truck. There is a picture of a sandwich on a blue plate also on the truck under the letters. The truck has a white bumper.
A black Bible is laying on a flat, white brick surface. It has an American flag bookmark where the left side of the flag (with stars and stripes) is sticking out of the top of the Bible and the right side (strips) are sticking out of the bottom of the Bible. The binder of the Bible is facing the camera where one can read the words “HOLY BIBLE.”
Michael Hollifield

Michael Hollifield

Free Verse Poetry

8 stories

Man holding a baby in his arms up against his chest. He’s in a t-shirt and the baby is dressed in a white top and gray pants. You can’t see the dad’s head. It is a black and white photo.
A yellow post it note, taped to an imaginary wall with a small piece of clear tape. The word: NOW! is written in shaded block letters across the note in red ink.
Michael Hollifield

Michael Hollifield

Open Letters To:

3 stories

There is a gray wall with a cardboard tree in the background with a brown leaf falling in front of it. Two children are sitting on a white floor in front of the wall. They are dressed in blueish gray clothes. A boy is sitting on the left with a white stocking cap pulled down over his face. He is holding a cardboard cutout of a guitar with two strings and on his left is a girl with a blueish gray stocking cap on her head. She has light hair and she seems to be laughing looking at the camera.
Michael Hollifield

Michael Hollifield

Superhero Haiku Series

9 stories

A cartoon picture of Iron Man. He is encased in armor with yellow around the face and the rest of the suit is red with yellow accents on his arms and legs.
Michael Hollifield

Michael Hollifield

Writer, speaker, passionate about encouraging humanity through personal experience.